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Mini Presentation 

“Michael Scott’s School of Management”


* the text (and a brief personal narrative on the student's encounters with the text).

            I love watching The Office, I’m on my third time watching it.

* how the text is typical and atypical conventions of the genre

            It is typical of the genre of The Office because the show likes take things that are on the offensive side, and present them in a funny way. Usually through the character of Michael Scott who is just very ignorant person.

            It is atypical of the genre of most shows because most shows don’t/can’t usually play on things that are offensive and present them in a way that isn’t really taken that bad.

* the tone or style and the purpose(s) of the text/genre

            The tone/purpose of the genre is supposed to be funny and make people laugh.

* the intended or consequential audience of the text/genre

            The intended audience is fans of the office, but consequential audience could be someone who watches the episode out of context and gets offended, especially by Michael’s character.

* potential complication, implications, problems, and pitfalls of the text/genre

            Potential complications are that this is obviously blatantly using stereotypes of certain groups of people. This game played in the clip is a common game like “Headbandz” but Michael takes it too far of course and makes it potentially offensive.

On my Wixsite I have everything organized by tabs. There is a Blog tab where I have every blog I have written posted in order from the most recent blog to the oldest blog, as well as a small “about me” section. I then have a Project 1 tab where I have posted my four drafts and a conference reflection. Next is my Project 2 tab where I have posted, so far, my research proposal, interview summary and conference reflection in a typed format.  I will also be posting the rest of my drafts on the tab in the form of a word document icon link. My next tab is for Project 3 where I will be posting all of my assignments relating to this project. My last tab is an “extras” tab where I will be incorporating the miscellaneous things we have done in class. Like the mini presentation and any notes that I have.  

Organizational Summary

Class Notes

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