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A letter to the brains behind the e-flips

Dear Ms. Cammuse,

I would personally like to thank you and your uncle for your talent and initiative in creating the e-flips for the flute section. You found a problem, assessed it, and overcome it. I recognize that you had to go through a few trial and error processes to get to where you wanted to be with the product. But now they are a new, effective, and extremely convenient way to look at our music. Thanks to the no-paper initiative in the Marching Chiefs, this idea would have never come to life and you would have never had the opportunity to make these and give flute players the choice to go digital and follow along with this initiative. Your forward, inventive, and problem-solving frame of mind is indicative in your own invention. It has been a great and highly useful product in the 2017 marching season and I expect that these new e-flips for flutes will be in use for many seasons to come. Thanks again for taking the reins on this project and breaking through with a great invention.


Erin Kassebaum

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